Everything we do is based around benefitting our customers. This is why we develop our own railway technology in-house so that we can come up with better products and services for railway construction.

Lightning-fast networking and efficiency gains through AI applications.

RhoMAT combines several work steps while also increasing the achievable quality and does this with a considerably reduced number of staff.

At Rhomberg Sersa, we have been building track slab railways for over 20 years and have developed the technical expertise across all the various slab track systems and alternatives.

Our universal transition module V-TRAS (versatile transition system) represents a simple, holistic, and sustainable solution for connecting different fixed track structures to ballasted roadbeds.

Our RhoTAS modular track adjustment system includes solutions for track lifting, coarse and fine adjustment of the horizontal and vertical rail head alignment to high speed track form standards.

RhoSAS is an alignment system specially developed for installing slab track switches.

Life extending renovation of wooden and concrete sleepers for track sections and switches.

Life extending renovation of concrete sleepers for track sections and switches

handraiLIT is an orientation and guidance system for railway tunnels with walkway lights used as an effective self-help measure in mergencies

A high-precision track requires a powerful railway measurement system, which is why we offer this solution.