Rhomberg Sersa Rail Holding GmbH
Mariahilfstraße 29, 6900 Bregenz/Austria
T +43 5574 403-0
F +43 5574 403-2020
Badenerstrasse 694, 8048 Zürich/Schweiz
T +41 43 322 23 00
F +41 43 322 2308
Information in acc. with Section 5 ECG, disclosure in acc. with Section 25 para 5 Media Act
Reg. No.: 264322i Feldkirch Regional Court
Trade authority: Bregenz District Authority
Business managers: Hubert Rhomberg, Thomas Bachhofner, Thomas Mayer, Garry Thür
Company activity: Rhomberg Sersa Rail Holding GmbH is a railway engineering company.
Legal notice:
Rhomberg Sersa Rail Holding GmbH accepts no liability for the completeness, correctness and up-to-dateness of the information provided. All documents published on our website including supporting material (such as photos) are subject to copyright. It is not permitted to use the published material for any purpose (e.g. commercial) other than personal or informative. Likewise, Rhomberg Sersa Rail Holding GmbH accepts no liability or responsibility for the content of external websites that are linked to the website. In addition, we reserve the right to modify content at any time without prior notice.
Pictures and photos:
Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group
Rhomberg Sersa Rail AG
Rhomberg Sersa Bahntechnik
Rhomberg Sersa Deutschland
Rhomberg Sersa Rail
Rhomberg Rail Australia
Rhomberg Sersa North America
Rhomberg Sersa UK
Rhomberg Sersa Ireland
Getty Images
Concept, Web Design and Implementation:
MASSIVE ART WebServices GmbH