The railway forum

The Railway Forum

An important platform for the industry is the Railway Forum, a BahnWege-Seminare® event for infrastructure managers, which is organised annually by Rhomberg Sersa Vossloh.

The world of rail transport technology meets for four days in September at the InnoTrans in Berlin. Another important platform for the industry is the Railway Forum, a BahnWege-Seminare® event for infrastructure managers, which is organised annually by Rhomberg Sersa Vossloh.

That was the Railway Forum 2019

In November 2019, experts from science and practice reported on current and interesting topics from the railway industry. In lectures and excursions, the participants gained insights into current railway projects, innovations, trends and visions for the future.

Thorsten FÖRSTERLING, alberts-Architekten BDA, for example, spoke about his revolutionary idea of gyro-stabilised monorail monocabs for rural areas. Ferdinand Pospischil from the University of Innsbruck reported on new findings regarding noise abatement in rail traffic. "The use of plastic and artificial wooden sleepers in the track network - what is the next step with the wooden sleeper?" was the title of the lecture by Wolfgang WORF, who has been responsible for the infrastructure of the Stadtverkehrsgesellschaft mbH Frankfurt/Oder (SVF) since 2012.

In addition to the Railway Forum, the Light Rail Forum, which is also an annual event and is aimed at trams, light rail and subways, has been established for 15 years.

Preview 2020

The Railway Forum will this year take place on 12-13 May and the 16th Light Rail Forum on 5-6 May 2020. This year the annually changing venue is Frankfurt/Main.

With their wide range of topics, the forums offer interesting keynote speeches for maintenance managers from infrastructure and rail technology.

The forums offer unique platforms for the interdisciplinary exchange between science, transport companies and the railway industry. Here, strategy-influencing developments such as the mobility of the future or digitalisation will be discussed, as well as current developments and trends in financing, construction, operation and maintenance. There is no shortage of networking opportunities either. The forums also offer ample opportunity to make new contacts and maintain existing ones.

About Rhomberg Sersa Vossloh

As Rhomberg Sersa Vossloh, we have specialised in the continuous professional development in addition to organising these industry events and have our own academy with EBA approval (the BahnWege-Seminare®). We also offer digital solutions in the form of expert & information systems for rail infrastructure maintenance (MR.pro® and MR.pro®.cloud).

You can find more information about our services on the website www.rsv.gmbh or by meeting us in person at the InnoTrans.

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