High Speed Line - Cologne/Rhine­Main (Lot B)

High Speed Line

Cologne/Rhine­Main (Lot B)

Logo Rhomberg Sersa Bahntechnik

High Speed Line - Cologne/Rhine­Main (Lot B)


ARGE NBS Köln/Rhein­-Main
Bauabschnitt Mitte Baulos B

Location: Germany

03/2001 - 06/2001

Executing Companies: Rhomberg Bahntechnik GmbH
(in consortium with Bahnbau Wels GmbH)
Contract Value:

1,20 Mio EUR


Rhomberg acted as sub­contractor for Spie Enertrans. Responsibilities included casting 38 km concrete for the installation of slab track. The result of seamless collaboration with the principal contractor was the provision of a singlesource slab track solution to the client.

Bahnbau Wels (subsidiary & responsible for all track adjustment and temporary fastenings for the 86.7km slab track section) was able to clear the considerable backlog created by former companies and consequently save unnecessary additional costs for the client.

  • Cast 38 km concrete (incl. 9 km in tunnel) using an inhouse developed Concrete Pouring Machine